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Honey Gardens Apiaries

Honey Gardens Apiaries is committed to offering the highest quality Apitherapy raw honey and plant medicine made from truly raw honey, flower pollen, propolis, and medicinal plants. Their vision embraces a commitment to working with the bees, supporting agriculture and encouraging a sustainable relationship as stewards of the earth.

While the pollination of the food may be the important thing that honey bees do for Honey Gardens, bees are just the vehicle; all of this is first about people and love. Honey Gardens appreciate your interest in and support of this work. Their honey is available in natural foods stores and cooperatives throughout the USA.

Around 40% of the food we eat depends on pollination by insects, which to a great degree are honey bees. With the value of pollination to our economy being at least 50 times more important than for honey, Honey Gardens appreciates your support of regional agriculture by using their raw honey.

Raw honey has been shown to inhibit the growth of pathogens in food and food spoilage organisms. Scientists at Cornell University, Geneva, New York report “Honey has been used as a topical and gastrointestinal remedy for thousands of years, and has recently gained recognition from the medical field. The growth of many microorganisms associated with disease or infection is inhibited by honey. Apitherapy honey has never been heated or filtered, and thus it retains the beneficial traces of pollen, propolis, and beeswax, which the flowers and bees have put there. These contain healthful minerals, vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, and carbohydrates. Honey forms crystals around these particles, which you see on the surface or by holding a jar up to the light. Within a month or so after the fall harvest, Apitherapy honey will crystallize. To soften or reliquefy honey, place it in a warm place or in warm water.
Propolis: Propolis is a mysterious substance produced by mysterious creatures. Honey bees produce propolis by collecting resins from trees such as coniferous and poplar species (amongst others), and combine that with beeswax, pollen and their own amazing enzymes Propolis is extremely variable depending on bioregion and season.

Apitherapy Honey House Healing Salve, 0.85 oz Salve, by Honey Gardens Apiaries

Retail: $7.89 Our Price!: $6.04 , 2 for $11.76, 6 for $33.08
Apitherapy Honey Wild Cherry Syrup, 4 oz Liquid, by Honey Gardens Apiaries

Retail: $9.99 Our Price!: $7.73 , 2 for $15.05, 6 for $42.34
Apitherapy Honey Wild Cherry Syrup, 8 oz Liquid, by Honey Gardens Apiaries

Retail: $15.99 Our Price!: $12.91 , 2 for $25.16, 6 for $70.75

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