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ScentBall by Earth Solutions Retail: $9.99
Our Price!: $8.13
ScentBall Diffuser by Earth Solutions Retail: $11.99
Our Price!: $10.45

Earth Solutions

Earth Solutions was founded, by Osteopathic physician, David Epstein, D.O. in 1992. He established the company during his 5th year in private practice as a holistic doctor specializing in chelation therapy, orthomolecular and nutritional medicine. The nutrient solution, which became the inspiration for the name “Earth Solutions” was originally developed over 50 years ago by a nuclear physicist who became famous for his understanding of the water-splitting potentials of deuterium (heavy water) sulfate. Despite the fact that this technology went on to provide the secret to producing the first hydrogen bomb, it was the researchers intention to use his discoveries for peaceful and environmental purposes. Hence a unique and ingenious blend of enzymes, minerals and amino acids was created, containing a stable supply of oxygen and hydrogen. When administered properly this electromagnetically vibrant solution dramatically enhanced the growth and health potential of plants and animals. At Earth Solutions they are committed to supply the highest quality products and base ingredients they can find.

All ingredients are thoroughly sourced to bring you the best product possible. Dr. Dave personally researches the companies and the products thoroughly before considering putting the Earth Solutions label on them. Whenever possible these ingredients are organic or chemical free. Stability and microbial testing are carried out regularly to ensure the long-term quality of the product. The Earth Solutions name is more than a brand, it is a seal of a standard of excellence and an assurance that the product bearing that seal is of the highest quality.

ScentBall, Aromatherapy, Room Diffuser, 1 Each, by Earth Solutions

Retail: $9.99 Our Price!: $8.13 , 2 for $15.84, 6 for $44.54
ScentBall Diffuser, with 4ml Lavender Oil, boxed pc, by Earth Solutions

Retail: $11.99 Our Price!: $10.45 , 2 for $20.36, 6 for $57.27

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